UBEC trains Quality Assurance Officers on Smart M&E

18th-20th March 2024

Quality assurance officers from UBEC and SUBEB participated in a 3-day training workshop held at the UBEC Digital Resource Center, Abuja.

The objective of the training was to provide participants with knowledge and skills related to the Smart Education Initiative and the Blended Learning approach. It focused on enabling the participants to effectively apply mechanisms for the Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) exercise. The validation of the monitoring and evaluation tool to be used in UBE Model Smart Schools was done to improve its effectiveness while covering the effective implementation of blended learning in these schools.

The M&E Officers were nominated from the fourteen (14) states with operational Smart Schools to participate in the training exercise. The workshop was facilitated by the Resource Persons through lecture presentations, syndicate exercises, case studies and the use of multi-media equipment, making the training mostly interactive

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