Meeting with SUBEB Desk Officers on the Smart Schools Programme

31st October – 1st November, 2022

A 2-day meeting was held between the DRC, UBEC and all SUBEB Directors in charge of Smart Schools programme in the 36 states and the FCT to discuss issues related to the Programme, on 31st October-1st November, 2023, at the conference hall of the Commission.

During the meeting, issues relating to the on-going construction work in the various states were discussed. Similarly, some observations were made on the progress of activities, noting the challenges encountered in the course of executing the individual projects. Deliberations also centered on the way forward towards ensuring the smooth commencement of academic activities once the constructions are completed and relevant infrastructures and equipment have been deployed.

Furthermore, activities that need to be done in preparation for the successful take-off of the programme were among other things discussed at the meeting.

At the end, the participants agreed on the need to hold a similar meeting with all the SUBEB Desk Officers in charge of the Smart school project who will be working under the SUBEB Directors, to discuss all issues related to the project.

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